Studio Dorighelli
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Confermata la proroga al 20 luglio 2023 per i contribuenti ISA e forfetari

In sede di conversione in legge del D.L. n. 51/2023 (Legge n. 87/2023), è stata introdotta la proroga al 20 luglio 2023, già annunciata con il comunicato stampa del MEF del 14 giugno 2023, dei termini scaduti lo scorso 30 giugno 2023, per i versamenti risultanti dai modelli REDDITI 2023, IRAP 2023 e IVA 2023. I versamenti delle imposte possono quindi essere effettuati entro il 20 luglio 2023, senza alcuna maggiorazione, dai soggetti che rispettano le seguenti condizioni: esercitano attività economiche per le quali sono stati approvati gli ISA o che presentano cause di esclusione dagli stessi, compresi quelli che si avvalgono del regime fiscale dei forfetari o dei minimi; dichiarano ricavi o compensi di ammontare non superiore a 5.164.569 euro. La proroga si applica anche ai soggetti che partecipano a società, associazioni e imprese soggette agli ISA e che devono dichiarare i redditi “per trasparenza” (artt. 5, 115 e 116 del TUIR). La proroga riguarda i versamenti: delle somme risultanti dalle dichiarazioni dei redditi, IVA e IRAP che sarebbero scaduti il 30 giugno 2023, dei contributi INPS dovuti da artigiani, commercianti e professionisti, che devono essere versati entro i termini per il pagamento dell’IRPEF. le imposte sostitutive ex Legge n. 197/2022 (imposta sostitutiva sugli utili e riserve delle partecipate a regime fisale privilegiato, imposta per esercitare l’opzione per considerare realizzati i redditi di capitale, e i redditi diversi derivanti dalla cessione o dal rimborso, di quote o azioni di OICR), da versare entro il termine per il versamento del saldo delle imposte sui redditi dovute per il periodo d’imposta 2022.


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Statement on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The data controller is Studio Dorighelli, who states that the data acquired in this manner will be handled as follows:

  • it will be used to comply with current requests for information/acquistion/registration until completed and for no other purpose.
  • it will be held in the company archives with no deadline, until independent cancellation by the user, voluntary cancellation by the Controller or an explicit request for cancellation by the user.
  • it will be held on behalf of the Controller by KUMBE, the Controller’s maintainer for digital services, on the cloud server and related backup, in turn managed in compliance with the GDPR for the entire term of the contract with the Controller – who may dispose of it at any time – and until its subsequent cancellation.
  • it will not be assigned to third parties; it will not be used for marketing campaigns except if concurrently authorized for such purposes.
  • the user will have a profile created based pon the information contained therein and the data may be used for statistical processing.
  • the complete privacy policy may be found at the link For information or requests, you may write to the following electronic mail address:

Statement on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)

If subscribing to the Newsletter, you must confirm your registration by means of a confirmatory mail sent to the recorded address.  In such case, handling includes:

  • the creation of a group user profile, a status, preferences as indicated and deduced from the information provided in the form and subsequent independent profiles.
  • use of the data for electronic notices (email, whatsapp) and not (paper) for informational/commercial purposes.
  • Use of the email for the creation of marketing campaigns and personallized information, digital and non-digital
  • the complete privacy policy may be found at the link For information or requests, you may write to the following electronic mail address:

Dove siamo

Studio Dorighelli
Corso Bettini, 58
38068 Rovereto (TN)
Tel: (+39) 0464 434955
Fax: (+39) 0464 316095



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Statement on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)

If subscribing to the Newsletter, you must confirm your registration by means of a confirmatory mail sent to the recorded address.  In such case, handling includes:

  • the creation of a group user profile, a status, preferences as indicated and deduced from the information provided in the form and subsequent independent profiles.
  • use of the data for electronic notices (email, whatsapp) and not (paper) for informational/commercial purposes.
  • Use of the email for the creation of marketing campaigns and personallized information, digital and non-digital
  • the complete privacy policy may be found at the link For information or requests, you may write to the following electronic mail address:
